Responsible Sourcing

Australian fisheries are exceptionally well managed, operating within a tightly regulated framework which accounts for sustainability of the resource, minimising impacts on the marine environment and maintaining the livelihoods of professional fishers who supply seafood to the Australian community.

ÎÛµ¼º½¸£ÀûÍøÖ· plays an integral role in the Australian seafood industry and has an enduring commitment to responsible sourcing. Our commitment is based on our four ‘Responsible Sourcing Principles’, meaning that:

  • All our product is lawfully supplied;
  • We know all our suppliers and have a robust traceability system
    Our suppliers label their product accurately, using the Australian Fish Names standard and identifying country of origin.
  • We track the sustainability status and environmental impact of our source fisheries.
  • Where necessary, we advocate and support improvements in responsible fishing practices, rigorous scientific research, and best practice fisheries management.
    We regularly report on the implementation of our Responsible Sourcing Principles.

In addition to the Responsible Sourcing framework, we work with peak bodies, research organisations and government, to give the professional fishing sector a voice on important issues, with further communications efforts to boost consumer confidence and knowledge, ensuring the public are informed on the facts and fallacies around seafood and long-term sustainability.

ÎÛµ¼º½¸£ÀûÍøÖ· is proud to be Australia’s Home of Seafood and are dedicated to continuous improvement in this space, ensuring the ongoing viability of our industry for many generations to come.